一、中西方在某些表达上是相通的,甚至有些英语习语直接借用汉语习语。因此, 学生在理解时可以直译, 如:a gentleman’s agreement(君子协定);the open-door policy(门户开放政策);castle in the air(空中楼阁); a drop in the ocean(沧海一粟);sixes and sevens(乱七八糟);fish in troubled water(浑水摸鱼)… 再如以下例句:
1)I’ve been planning to study abroad, but my best friend threw cold water on this idea, saying I won’t be accustomed to the western lifestyle. 句中throw cold water on something意即对... 泼冷水。
2)The headmaster warned him not to sleep in class, but it went in one of his ear and out the other.句中go in one ear and out the other 即“左耳朵进, 右耳朵出”, 一目了然。
3)Don’t play with fire on this matter, or you’ll end up in prison. 句中play with fire 就相当于汉语“玩火自焚”之意。
二、由于中西方文化底蕴的差异, 我们在教学中应提示学生对有些习语要学会灵活翻译, 不能望文生义, 否则会造成曲解从而闹笑话。例如Are you serious? Don’t pull my leg! 学生容易将后句译为别拖我后腿, 而其真实含义是别开玩笑了(Don’t joke with me)。再看以下例子:
1) The last straw 并非汉语中最后一根救命稻草, 而是一系列使人无法忍受的事。 eg: When he didn’t come home last night, it was the last straw.
2) He is a clock watcher in the office. 句中clock watcher 并非办公室某种职员, 而是指a worker who leaves exactly at closing time。
3) 英语中white elephant 含有贬义, 意为an object that is useless and may have cost a lot of money, 而汉语中“白象”属中性类词, 我国还有一种“白象”方便面。